What are Flower Essences?

Do you suffer from anxiety, stress, worry, depression, shock, unconscious fear and low self-esteem? Is it affecting your sleep and how you interact in the world? You may want to try flower essences.

“Flower Essences are subtle liquid extracts, generally taken in oral form, which are used to address profound issues of emotional well-being, soul development and mind-body health. While the use of flowers for healing has many ancient antecedents, the precise application of flower essences for specific emotions and attitudes was first developed by an English physician, Dr. Edward Bach, in the 1930’s. Today flower essences are gaining world-wide professional recognition for their significant contribution to holistic health and wellness programs.”

From the Flower Essence Repertory by Patricia Kaminsky and Richard Katz

Dr. Bach observed patterns in his patients. States of mind such as worry, loneliness, anxiety, hopelessness, unconscious fears, depression etc. often preceded physical illness. There are many books on the Mind/Body/ Spirit connection authored by Dr. Bach regarding the benefits of flower essences healing patients’ emotional and mental patterns. Since then, thousands of flower essences have been developed and documented. The Flower Essence Society of California/ founded by Patricia Kaminsky and Richard Katz have researched and published case histories from Flower Essence practitioners for over 40 years using their own flower test garden as a laboratory. Pegasus, Alaskan, Hawaiian, Fox Mountain, Andean Orchid Flower Essences, Australian Bush and more are some companies that have track records. In addition, there are newer companies helping people all the time for stress reduction.

The highest concentration of active life force is in the blossom. The flower broadcasts this energy or life force at a specific frequency or rate of vibration unique to that plant. As the person ingests the homeopathic remedy the vibratory frequency is transferred to the body. This assimilation enables a shift to occur where the client can begin to recognize the negative thoughts at the beginning stage and use affirmations to “Code In” a more beneficial thought pattern. For example:

“I activate an attitude of joyous expectancy”

“I release the pattern in me that attracted this experience-I create only good in my life.”


“I unconditionally allow the abundance of the universe into my life. The generosity of life flows through me without limitation.”

Flower essences can balance emotions and bring about mental health, physical well -being and spiritual upliftment by stopping the part of thought that circles. With counseling, meditation and affirmations, flower essences can aid in personal growth and transformation leading to increased self-awareness and behavior changes.

Flower Essence Remedies are available singly at most health food stores and online at the companies that make them.
Limited Consultations are available at Code Self Care to approved students.

Initial Intake Evaluation – $199

Formula based on the Intake Evaluation of the Individual – $40/bottle

Follow up Phone Counseling – $1.25/minute

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