The main point of yoga is to create space in the body and the mind. Sciatica is caused when the hamstrings and glute muscles in the buttocks are so tight, they pinch the sciatic nerve causing pain and irritation in the low back and down the back of the legs. That very large nerve descends out of the pelvis, sacrum and back of the legs to the feet. In some areas that nerve is as big around as your pinkie finger. We want to create space in the pelvis and low back with yoga stretches to open those muscles and relieve pressure on the nerve.
Shiatsu (acupressure) always begins on the opposite side from where the pain is. If you have pain in your left hip, start the lunge with the right foot forward lunge.
Step 1.) Do the yoga warm up to get the blood flowing. Very gentle joint rotations are found on my YouTube Channel under “Easy Joint Rotation Warm Up.”
Step 2.) Lunge: Come on to the knees. Place a blanket under the knees for added cushion. Step the right leg forward on the floor with the ankle directly under the knee so knee and ankle are at a right angle. Extend the opposite arm up (Left arm). This reach to the sky movement with the arm alleviates pressure on the front of the left pelvis. Breathe in and out slowly and count to 10.

Bring the right leg back to kneeling position and switch sides.
Step 3.) Lunge: From the kneeling position extend the left leg forward on the floor with the left ankle directly under the left knee. Extend the right arm up reaching to the sky. Feel the stretch from the front of the hip through the ribs and open the armpit. Breathe slowly in and out and count to 10.
Step 4.} Stay in the pose and bring your arms forward in front of you interlacing the fingers. Stretch the arms away from your center which opens the shoulder girdle.

Step 5.) Repeat. Always do every yoga pose at least twice each side so you can experience the body releasing. Go slowly. Stay in the pose and observe what is going on in your body. No hurry. No place to go, nothing to do. You are present in your body practicing yoga.
Step 6.) Come to hands and knees. Slowly move the hips back towards the feet as if you are bowing. Press the hands into the floor and continue moving the hips back for a test run. Remember to have your knees on a blanket if needed.
Step 7.) Repeat the lunge with the right foot forward and left arm reaching up towards the ceiling, but this time press the 4 corners of your front foot down for stability and turn your head up. Look up at your hand for a little extra stretch. Breathe, count to 10 and extend that arm upward to create space in the front of the pelvis. As you stretch the arm up extend from the hip. Reach the hand up and lengthen the hip and ribs opening the side of the body through the armpit and fingertips. See photo. Switch sides. Lunge left foot forward and repeat.

Step 8.) Come to hands and knees. Bring the feet together and the knees wide apart as you slowly move back into a low bow. Child’s pose asana. Press your hands into the floor. Drop you head down (eventually it will touch the floor.) Now lengthen the spine. Feel the muscles of the entire back stretch from the fingers to the tail bone. Lift the palms of the hands up until only the fingertips are touching the floor. Breathe in and out slowly and count to 10. Creep your fingertips away from you on the floor for added stretch. Come out of the pose and stretch your legs straight in front of you on the floor. That’s it. Probably takes about 10 to 15 minutes.

Yoga is about repetition. You are re-training those muscles to open and stretch so take your time and practice twice a week. Increase a few times to relieve sciatica pain. Have patience with yourself. In Chinese medicine or Japanese Shiatsu the approach is to always open the shoulders to also open the hips and vice versa. This series is simple and works both areas of the body. Gradually you can increase to three to four times a week. When you experience how much better you feel you will want to increase this to 5, 6 days a week. Be good to yourself. Start slow. For more information go to Code Self Care YouTube Channel.