A wellness plan for your skin can easily be integrated into your daily routine. The skin is the largest eliminative organ so whatever is going on inside of your body …
Meditation for Beginners Intro Part I
There is a whole generation of people who don’t know how to sit in silence. This is for them. My very first meditation teacher in 1980 was Marty, a Flower …
What are Flower Essences?
Do you suffer from anxiety, stress, worry, depression, shock, unconscious fear and low self-esteem? Is it affecting your sleep and how you interact in the world? You may want to …
Yoga Stretches for Sciatica
The main point of yoga is to create space in the body and the mind. Sciatica is caused when the hamstrings and glute muscles in the buttocks are so tight, …
Nature Fix for Stress Relief
Sitting outside on the back patio, I listen to the chimes resonating their melody of music vibrations and healing, a choral desert masterpiece. The feeling of lightheartedness penetrates my body …
Techniques to balance Body/Mind/Spirit
Everything in the universe is made of energy, or Chi. The quality of Chi is determined by our lifestyle. Eating foods that have more Chi or Life Force will give …