Yoga Feet

The foundation of yoga is the feet. The next time you are in a pose look down to see if the four corners of the feet are pressing evenly into the mat. Make it a habit to keep the feet pressed into the mat during an asana (pose) or if the edges roll up causing you to become unstable. Most students are not aware that the outside edges of the feet lift on one side or the other causing imbalance. Yoga increases awareness of what the body is doing. It focuses the mind, penetrating more deeply into the pose which helps the mind concentrate. When the body and mind are aligned and you feel it, it makes your spirit happy. You feel the rush of subtle energy (Chi force) when everything is in synch.

Next time you are standing in line somewhere, practice Tadasana, Mountain pose. Have your feet a few inches apart with the inner sides of the feet parallel to each other. Keep your feet centered with weight evenly distributed from the toes, ball of foot to heel. That is all.

By practicing yoga in snippets throughout the day, whatever you are doing, your feet will be happy to carry you through life with stability. If you are a Yoga practitioner you may carry your attention up the body to have the feeling of lift through the spine, shoulders back and chin level with the floor. Feel the crown of your head ascend at the same time the feet descend and are planted. Your posture will improve and all the organs in your body will have more space to function instead of a heavy slouch putting unnecessary constrictions on body parts.

Treat your feet well by getting reflexology. Apply shea butter to heels and soles of the feet before bedtime. Wear supportive, cushioned shoes when you will be on your feet for hours. Go to “Code Self Care YouTube Channel” for more information.

Thank you for sharing!